Baton Rouge Parents Magazine

Collegiate Baton Rouge is Pioneering Success Through Inclusivity and Academic Innovation

In the ever-evolving world of education, Collegiate Baton Rouge (CBR) sets the standard for success. Beyond being in the top 25% of the state for “Top Growth” in English and Math, the high school’s commitment to inclusivity contributes to its outstanding performance.

CBR views education as a collective responsibility. The school embraces the concept of a “team job,” recognizing that success is not solely the result of individual efforts but a collaborative endeavor involving teachers, staff, students, and the broader community. CBR goes beyond conventional methods, adopting a “creative extremist” approach, to inspire innovative thinking and learning. This approach encourages educators to explore unconventional teaching methods, ensuring students are equipped with the critical thinking skills necessary for success in a rapidly changing world.

CBR is an open-enrollment school which means there are no barriers to acceptance. This mindset permeates the school’s mission, driving educators to create an environment that nurtures individual talents and fosters a sense of accomplishment among students from all backgrounds.

Their dedication to inclusivity shows as CBR achieved notable rankings for specific student groups in the 2022-23 academic year. CBR demonstrated commendable performance for economically disadvantaged students, ranking 29th out of 175 and attaining the 83rd percentile. Furthermore, in the case of students with disabilities, CBR excelled, securing the 18th statewide position and achieving the 88th percentile in academic growth.

CBR’s excellence is further validated by its performance in the National Survey of Families conducted by Panorama Education. These survey value’s metrics such as “belonging” and the “perception of teachers’ efficacy in their roles.”

CBR excelled in this survey with an impressive 95% rating. This highlights the school’s success in fostering a sense of community and inclusivity, contributing to a positive learning experience for students.

To learn more about Collegiate Baton Rouge visit their website.