Baton Rouge Parents Magazine

Principal trades office for a rolling cart, spreading positivity

You may have seen the viral TikTok about Principal Jared Lamb’s rolling cart strategy (click here if you haven’t had a chance to see it).

In this Tiktok, Principal of BASIS Baton Rouge Materra Charter School gives insight on why he traded his office for a rolling cart.

This unique strategy enables Principal Lamb to acknowledge his staff and celebrate the amazing work that they do because he’s in the classroom seeing it first-hand. It also provides accountability and calls teachers higher to make the biggest impact for their students.

Since Principal Lamb is able to be present in the halls and classrooms, he gives 2000-4000 high fives per day to students and staff, spreading positivity.

Before employing this rolling cart strategy, Principal Lamb says his role as principal was much more reactive than proactive. As a principal with an ever-growing to do list, this pivot in strategy helped him prioritize what matters most: the students.

Lamb said his advice to other principals interested in implementing this strategy would be to “have a calendar and schedule for when you’re going to have additional meetings, follow up on your emails, and meet with parents. It’s about being strategic with where you’re allocating that stuff in your schedule.”

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